I Finally Got Rid of My Shadow Psychotherapy with an Oldest Old Woman A Growth Process for Client and Therapist

How Do Emotional Closeness and Support From Parents Relate to Israeli and German Students’ Life Satisfaction

Exchange of Emotional Support with Parents

Positive Aging - New Horizons for Older Adults

Who is really at risk? The contribution of death anxiety in Suicide risk and loneliness among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic

Rebt with Older Adults

Coping With Losses and Past Trauma in Old Age : The Seperation-IndivIduation Perspective

Cognitive Grief Therapy

Telephone Based Emotional Support for Older Adults during the COVID 19 Pandemic

Fostering well-being (2021)

Long-term bereavement of older parents: the three phases of grief (Malkinson & Bar-Tur, 2005)

Sources of meaning for young and old Israelis (Bar-Tur & Prager, 2001)

Delusional Jealousy as defense mechanisms against aging losses (Bar-Tur, 2018))

Past traumatic losses and their impact on the well-being of elderly men (1997)

The Sources of Meaning Profile (SOMP) with Aged Subjects Exhibiting Depressive Symptomatology

WELL-BEING IN AGING: Mental Engagements in Elderly Men as a Moderator of Losses (Bar-Tur, Levi-Shiff, Burns, 1998)

Malkinson, R., & Bar-Tur, L. (1999). The aging of grief in Israel: A perspective of bereaved parents. .

Fraught Triads – Treating Older Women in Crisis Living with a Migrant Live-in Caregiver and Frail Husband

My home is no longer my castle any more